
Singer Songwriter

As an art form and enjoy working interdisciplinarily with other artists, musicians or accompany myself on the piano, whether I compose, conduct and write texts



„Jemand, der den Gong spiel, spielt das Universum“ - Yogi Bhajan
Mit Hilfe von Gongs, Klangschalen, Schamanen Trommel, Monochord, diversen anderen Klanginstrumenten und dem puren Klang der Stimme machen wir gemeinsam eine Klangreise in die eigene „Stille“.
Die Frequenzen und Schwingungen die entstehen können Verspannungen und Blockaden lösen und die Energie im Körper wieder frei fließen lassen.
Gehirnwellen verlangsamen und werden synchronisiert, was sich positiv auf unser Nervensystem auswirkt.
Selbstheilungskräfte können aktiviert werden, wir finden wieder zu unserer inneren Kraft und können tiefen inneren Frieden erfahren.
„Die wahre Stille ist nicht ohne Klang, aber ohne Gedanken“.
Eine Klangreise dauert etwa 90 Minuten
Bequeme Matte, Decke und Kissen selbst mitbringen, um entspannt liegen zu können.
Erwin van Lingen Klanginstrumente
Natalie Merfort Klanginstrumente und Stimme


Music is a universal force, far beyond that which words can express. “Alma” means soul. The Alma Duo wants to touch, move, comfort and take the listener on a journey to the essence of our being.

They perform various songs from their extensive repertoire such as sacred pieces by Bach, Pergolesi, Caccini, Pärt, Schubert, Mozart, Piazolla...

Romantic music by Brahms, Franck, Fauré and Dvorak ; Russian music by Rimsky-Korsakov, Rachmaninov and arrange and perform folk songs for two voices, as well as a large repertoire of a capella songs



Natalie and Reinilde take you on a musical journey from classical to folk music, pop, jazz, and own compositions


Since the beginning of 2019, a big dream has come true, the collaboration with Spirit Connection. Using my voice more like an instrument of sound, blending in with all the other instruments and working together with a group of singers is where all my musical experience and talent seem to come together.

You lie between the gongs, singing bowls and other instruments. Due to the rippling stream of sound and vibrations, the sense of separation with other people and the world around you disappears. Time and space dissolve in your essential silence.
The mental, emotional and physical aspects of your body become superconducting and regenerating so that the usual resistance of the ego dissolves and you relax in silence. For more information the website of SpiritConnetion.